Cool Arcitechture in illinois! Arcitecture from Champagin Comic! Arcitecture from chicago Refrences

Cool arcitechture in Illinois

Illinois might seem like a boring place ,however alot of great things were developed there.

Ilinois is an old place (it was founded in 1818) but that means alot of historical buildings reside upon its lands.

If you arn't framiliar with the rest of illinois you might have heard of Chicago wich is the most widely known place in Illinois ,but champiagn urbana is also an imporntant part of Illinois.

The university is famous for its engnering schools at the university and they happen to be at non other than Champaighn urbana.

Engineering dose include arcitecture ,so if you are interested have a look at some of Illinois finest arcitecture.

This is the Alma Mater statue and it is one of the most famous statues in illinois.

It was created by a man named Lorado Taft in 1929 as a gift to the university on the 5th aniversry of his graduation.

This is one of the many bronze statues made by him that scater capmus.

The Alma Mater statue weighs 10,000 ponds, but the reson this statue is important is becaues it represents the universitys motto, "learning and labor".

The motto is represented through the graduation robes the figuers wear as the robes represent learning and the man represents labor.

both of the figuers in the back are joing hands to form learning and labor together wich is again why this statue is so imporntant.

This is widley known as *sighs* the "bean" ,however the actual name of this matalic statue is Cloud gate.

Cloud gate was built in 2004 by a man named Anish Kapoor.

The statues inspration was said to be liquid mercury and the skyline of chicago

This statue is actually compleatly holow in the inside and the bean was once closed in 2004 so the edges could be sealed.

Now, the bean looks shinyer than it did then to look more like mercury

I've see the bean before in person and it's quiet wonderfull ,but this statue will continue to be the most wrongly inturpreted statue in America ,but I'm okay with that

Now that I have given you a glimpse of what Lies in Illinois, get ready to see some actual building action!

Statues are still arcitecture though, so are things like articals of clothings and furniture wich all of wich I shall show to you.

Lets take a look at some

Arcitectuer from chaimpaghn